My life has been a blur. So much has been going on... non-stop... literally.
Here's a quick run through of my life in the last few months, and ultimately the reason why I've been MIA.
Brandy and her cutest little family came to stay for a while:

From there we all headed up to Fish Lake for a mini-vacation of sorts. We were there for 6 days (i use "we" very loosely, because DarRell had to work and i had to work. But the family as a whole, were up there for 6 days):

In the middle of our Fish Lake vacation was the 4th of July:

fireworks on the 4th in Joseph:

and Daylon's birthday on the 14th... which we celebrated on the 13th. My parents came
back down just to celebrate with Daylon (after spending the 6 days up at Fish Lake only 4 days earlier):

July 15th (14th) i lost a
very good friend of mine (bi-polar/depression really sucks the big one). I spent the weekend in Tooele spending time with my friends, mourning over the loss of Steve. The only good thing that came out of this horrible tragity, is that i met up with the rest of my GREAT friends that i haven't seen in ages :

Mike, Kristin and Brayden came down to visit before Kristin had her little bambino. We celebrated the 24th with them (which, around here, actually spans out over 3 days of celebration).
The Children's Parade on the 23rd:

The parade: Daylon and I walked it with the firetruck. DarRell and Sam drove the firetruck:

Rianne danced her way through the parade for the mini drill:

We had several birthdays in the mix while they were down:
Tucker's on the 23rd (and mine too but we didn't celebrate mine):

Cole's on the 24th after the parade and park:

fireworks on the 24th which i didn't get any pictures of but i did get pictures of us playing with the sparklers:

Right after Mike left, Mickey, Taylor, Jared and Quintin came to stay for a while:

Right after they left, Amanda and her clan came to stay for a spell.

During which, we've been finishing our basement... by ourselves:
the family room:

Daylon's room:

Rianne's room:

Yes, it's been a VERY busy summer. We've been so busy with family visiting and holidays and working on the basement that we haven't even had time to breath.
But i'm back now. School is in session leaving my schedule open for the next 9 months or so.