YES! today is a bonus day! I love to think that maybe i might be able to catch up on a few things i let slide this week and still be "Okay" because i have one extra day this month. Ok... i really don't know if i'll actually accomplish anything today. I did catch up on the dishes i didn't get to last night because my headache morphed into some horrendace monster that kept me on the couch writhing in pain. I've also started on another load of laundry in my never-ending heap. But today puts me ahead of the game... or so i like to think.
and honestly, what's better than a couple of kids fresh out of the tub? I love the fact that these two can still bathe together. It won't be long, though, till they'll have to have seperate baths. That will definately put a kink in my routine. But for now, i'll enjoy the fact that these two love bath time together and in the process i kill two birds with one stone... so to speak.
As you can tell, we are on the mend for the most part. Sam still has a bit of congestion. But, for the first time in two months, he slept through most the night. From 9:30 to 4:30 he slept by himself in his own bed. I can't tell you how much life that put back into everyone elses soul. It's amazing what a little bit more sleep in a person can do to their whole attitude. DarRell woke up and commented on how great it was to get more than 2 hours of sleep in one night. I'm really hoping the extra sleep i got last night helps kick this crap of a cold i've got.
Tonight i hope to get in a "bonus day" of scrapping. There is a cyber crop i'm dying to go to tonight and through the weekend. I'm sure i won't get all the time to myself and i want but i do have a bunch of pictures i've set aside to scrap in hopes to get them done. I need to finish going through my 2007 photos and see what i need to scrap to finish up the year. I'm proud to say that i've scrapped nearly the whole year of 2007. Totally a first in my book. If i keep up with this year, i'll be able to keep moving on with the kids earlier years. For now, i just want to stay current.
How to make a Personal Charcuterie Box
1 hour ago