I'm not even sure where i come across this place. Or even when. All i know, is that i sit and wait for the next post from them. Sometimes i wait so long that I almost give up hope and there they are there, posting the next pick-me-upper to pull me out of it again.
I don't know what it is about this place, it just speaks to me. Almost like they are sitting there giving me my own personal advice that i need so badly at times. After reading their last post, i decided i just can't sit and keep this goodness from myself. I've got to share it. In some instances, i'd love to literally make some people sit down and read it word for word, over and over again until they get it. But knowing that won't go over well at all, i'll share it here (and then maybe print some out ;-).
For your reading enjoyment and thoughful pick-me-ups... go HERE.
Smoked Sausage and Potato Soup
12 hours ago
FAB-O I needed some of those this morning THANX!!!!!!!
I love this! Thanks for posting I am going to read it all up....then hopefully do well at applying!
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