Ali Edwards is (once again!!! ) doing her December daily album this year. She has invited anyone who wants to play around to join her. You can find what she's done so far
here. She is incredibly talented at documenting the little things in life. I've been waiting to do this album since last year when she did it.

This is my bare bones album. My album is a D Reeve's (i think) 8x8 acrylic album. Just a front and back cover and that's it. From there i took all the Hambly transparencies i could find, both scraps and full sheets. Then i just pulled out any and all Christmas stuff i have and I've set it aside just for this album. I won't even come close to using it all but it'll be great to have it close by so i can rummage through it without having to spend all my time finding it at the last minute.

I put a number on each page. That page will be for each day of the month clear up to the 25th. I will elaborate on those pages day by day. Nothing fancy, just a picture (or two or whatever suits my fancy that day) and a embellishment or two and the rest will be journaling. Something super easy and fast for each day. I decorated the cover with just some stuff i had sitting around and called it good. Now that it's done I can't wait to fill it up!
I've decided it was time for a haircut. I know i mentioned that i was going to try to grow it out a little longer but i just couldn't do it. The good hair days were fine but when a bad hair day come to town, and that seemed more often then not, it was unbearable. So, i cut it. I went with my usual short cut. I like a little bit on top to play with but I don't want to fuss all morning long with it. I like how it turned out. It's kinda fun and it leaves a lot of playing room or i can just run my fingers through it and call it good. Then Halloween came around and i used some black gel in it... and LOVED it. So last night i went back to black. I have to admit that i really like it. Not really me but it's fun and i think that's what i like about it so much. I can let a little of that rebel out in me but in a acceptable way. And the kids love it and even more cool is that DarRell loves it too!
Looks awesome! I'm trying to grow my hair out too and it's a buggar. I think you are just meant to have short hair. It looks so good on you.
I also wanted to add, that december dailies scrapbook thing is so cool! I love your cover. I clicked on the link and read about it and it really looks like a good idea. I have really really gotten out of scrapbooking for a long time and want to get started again. It just seems so overwhelming when I look at my box of pictures printed and waiting and all the pics on the computer just waiting to go in a book. HELP ME!! I don't know where to start!
JO!!!!!!!! I love it!!! so fun! YOUR album ROCKS!!!! wtg :)
Though your scrapbooking ability makes me feel like I am a "kindergartner" scrapbooker I just want you to know how happy I am to have met you! I look forward to you inspiring me and maybe I can do your laundry or something! I am a heck of a laundress with whatever a little boy might dish out!
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