I thought they turned out pretty good considering that they are school pictures
Just a few thoughts as i was looking at them though.
*It must have been a rough week for all three kids. They all have some type of scratch (Sam), puncture wound (Daylon) or scab (Rianne) on their face.
*It's amazing how much these three look so much alike, but then look completely different.
*I'm in complete awe about their eyes. Always their eyes.
-Daylon has amazing green eyes (too bad his glasses take away from them). My heart melts for green eyes. I first fell in love with DarRell because of his green eyes. Daylon has those eyes. Nuff said!
-Rianne has the most beautiful blue eyes. Sparkly and ice blue. Thanks to my mom for that great contribution cause i'm not even close to having that trait.
-And Sam, just look at him. His eyes scream happy. And although he's got my yucky color of hazel, it's hard to see them through those happy squinty eyes... I love it.

We spent 30 minutes working on Rianne's hair that morning. We finally compromised enough to both be happy enough with her hair to let her go to school. I was tickled pink to see that she had made it through pictures with her hair almost completely in tact! She was mad that i didn't let her change her earrings, thankfully she forgot about that part of it. She a rough and tumble little girl though, and did not come home from school looking like the little girl in the pictures. Cudos for those teachers keeping the kids looking their best before pictures are taken.

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