Thursday, January 31, 2008
the newest member of our family!
Naudia is a big sister!!! Melissa and Jeff had their baby yesterday (January 30th). A adorable baby boy. 7 weeks early. 5 pounds even and 19 inches long. He's doing fair. He's on a oxygen tube but doing very well for being 7 weeks early. And Melissa is doing well.
They named him eithier Fynn Alexander or Michael Fynn (Jody couldn't remember or they haven't narrowed it down or something like that) but they will be calling him Fynn. I have a picture of him on my phone from Jody so if anyone wants it let me know and i'll send it to you.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Day 29 & 30 and my poor sick little man
well, it's day 30. I've done a layout for every day of the month. I know what you are saying. But Jo, there is still one more day left of January. Yes, i know. But, i've counted up my tally for the month, and i'm over. My layout count is 32 as of yesterday. I didn't do a layout today though, I did a bunch of cards instead. Tomarrow, i'm not going to guarantee anything getting done. I'm not going to push it, i'm proud of what i've done.
I think i'll be spending the day cuddling with Sam. He still is quite sick. His pukies have stopped but the poor little guy is hacking up a lung. His fever is all over the place. The other two kids seems to be doing well. Rianne still has a bit of a hacky cough but it seems very much under control and only flares up when she's running around. Daylon doesn't have even a sniffle. I hope it stays that way. DarRell, well, he's coming down with something. We don't know if he's getting the flu as of yet but i'm really hoping not. I'm doing well though. Not even the slighted bit of a sniffle so far.
Signing off now. I'm going to go releive DarRell of Sam so he can get cleaned up and get some rest (he's been taking Sam when he gets home from work at night and keeping him during the nights. I've been taking the other two kids. Keeping them busy, and doing all the things we ususally tag team together, while DarRell tries to get as much sleep as he can while sam is resting . Then i releive him when he goes to work in the morning and the whole thing starts all over again when he gets back home again), and i'm going to spend my time cuddling and snuggling my sick little baby. Lets just hope and pray that this turns for the better over the weekend. Otherwise, we will be paying a visit to the ER during the weekend (if worse comes to worse) or a bright and early visit to the docs office Monday morning waiting for a opening.
Monday, January 28, 2008
update on the little one and one more LOAD

I'm proud to say that i have hit my 31 layouts for the month. So, if by chance, I'm the next one to kill over sick, I can honestly say that i did 31 layouts for the month of January. It may have not been a layout a day in January, but it was a layout for every day of January. Which in my book, is just as good.
A quick update on Sam. He's got some nasty virus going around. I assume that it's some nasty stomach bug on top of the flu. Poor little man can't even keep water down and he's just so plain miserable. He's still running a low grade fever that goes up and down (oddly enough, the fever goes down right after he throws up... strange but true). He's so lethargic and just not himself. The doc gave him some suppositories to help with the nausea and vomiting but they don't seem to work for long. He can have them every 12 hours but they only seem to work for about 5 hours. We've exhausted all our knowledge on what to do (and everyone elses), so now all we can do is just love him and hold him like there is no tomarrow.
I'm really hoping that this whole sickie thing blows over fast. I'm sick of everyone being sick. Let's just pray that Day doesn't get it now (and that Rye doesn't get the pukies, cause i believe she had the flu with the borderline phenomena and double ear infection she had last week). I'm not so scared of DarRell or I getting it but i'd rather we not.
one down... another one sick
Day 25: Exhausting

Saturday, January 26, 2008
changed my mind...
you've captured my heart:

Friday, January 25, 2008
Happy New Year?

This is at 10:00pm (or there about).
Obviously my kids aren't night people!
Definately a scrap-able moment!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
todays LOAD

birthdays and the sickies have hit... HARD!
lots and lots of scrappy stuff to share!

other news? Well... i got this little fun thing!it was a really nice anniversary gift, and just about any other holiday gift i could think of for some time. I've been playing with it and figuring it out. It's lots of fun!!!! I REALLY can't wait till i get my other blade to it! Then i'll be able to cut thicker stuff like foam and chipboard! YAYAYAY!
i made this the other day with it:
Another little thing i've been working on is this:
My own little home-made clip it up. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I've had so much stuff hidden away for so long that i've fogotten what i have. This gets it up out of the drawers and baskets and puts it where i see it. I've already been using stuff that i didn't even know i had!
I still need to get more clips for it, cause, suprisingly enough, i have more than what's on there!
Monday, January 14, 2008

Saturday, January 12, 2008
it's officially over, going crazy, and its just one of those days
The kids are finally back in school, but just when we were finally getting back into a schedule again, the kids have a 4 day school week. DarRell is working weekends and late evenings and I'm going crazy without some "me" time. I've really got to find some friends that i can just go and hang out with (sorry Kim and Lori... you guys are just too far away!). How can someone honestly spend 24/7 at home and NOT go crazy. Apparently I'm just being selfish because every time i mention it, i get the "i wish i could stay home all day long and play with the kids". Don't get me wrong, i LOVE my children. But sometimes i need to talk to someone who doesn't pick their nose, or throw a tantrum because their sock isn't on right, or complain that their food is too hot, too cold, too squishy, looks weird AND is on the wrong plate. I would LOVE to go to work and feel like what I've done during the day was productive. Here, i don't feel so productive. The house is a complete mess and that's only because once I've cleaned it up, i have someone right behind me tearing everything out.
*SIGH* yes, today is one of those days. I can't seem to get up enough energy to care. Today is one of those days where that if the kids were able to take care of themselves, i'd lock myself in my room and disappear for the day. Bedtime just can't get here soon enough.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
... and still going strong

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
LOAD: day 3-7

I ended up adding a ribbon and a ribbon slide to the bottom of the picture. But, i'm just to lazy to rescan it (cause i hate scanning one page 4 times and then stiching it all together). Maybe one day when i'm bored i'll update it.
Day 4: Decorate
Day 5: You 3
Day 6, which ended up being a 2-pager!!! : Family is Everything side 1
and side 2
Day 7: Wrapped up...
I can't say i love them all but i do love that they are all done! And i can say that i have got almost all of 2007 pictures done. I do need to do a few here and a few there but this is the closest i've gotten to completing a whole year of pictures!!! And that is just the best feeling ever!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
LOAD - day 2

I wish i could make it so that you could see all the pictures though. We got a ton of photo Christmas cards this year (my favorite!!!). I may have to find a better way of showcasing them. For now, this will have to do. They are removable though so if I/we ever want to go through them again we can.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008

One day down, 30 more to go!
Another thing i'm going to keep up on is One Word for 2008. I'm following along with Ali Edward's blog and thought this was a very inspiring thing to do every year. I've already picked out my word. After pondering over it for quite some time i came up with "Manage". I have a lot of managing to do in my life... a LOT. What perfect timing huh? So, i guess in a way this is my new resolution for 2008... to manage aspects in my life. Parts that impact me, my family and those around me. It's a bit of a lofty goal but even the smallest bit of success at this is a step forward.
My scrappy goal this year is to do a "12 for 12" album. 12 pictures a month for 12 months. By the end i should have a great recap of 2008 in a managable album. I just gotta go find a album to work with. It should be fun!